REAA Guides
An agent must not enter into an agency agreement with you for the sale of a residential property unless your agent has provided you with a copy of the approved guide relating to agency agreements.
The Real Estate Authority produces guides to help buyers and sellers understand key documents during the sales process. You can find them here
Anti Money Laundering & Overseas Investment Act
We are required by law to comply with Anti Money Laundering Legislation. Please find out more here:
Most overseas people are unable to purchase homes to live in in New Zealand under the Overseas Investment Act. Please find more information here:

REAA Code of Professional Conduct & Client Care Rules
Independent Agent adheres to the REAA Professional Conduct & Client Care Rules
These Rules make up the Real Estate Agents Authority code of professional conduct and client care. The Rules were made by the Authority and notified in the New Zealand Gazette.* The rules set minimum standards of conduct and client care that licensees are required to meet when carrying out real estate agency work and dealing with clients.
You can read more about them here
Complaints Procedure
Our complaints and dispute resolution procedures are designed to provide an effective and simple resolving of any complaint you might have about the service you have received from Independent Agent.
Step 1: Call us and speak to the Licensee Agent – Matt Jones on 021 396 394. Tell the Licensee Agent the name of the Agent who you are complaining about and what your concerns are. Let the Licensee Agent know what you would like done about your complaint.
Step 2: The Licensee Agent may ask you to put your complaint in writing so that he or she can investigate it. The Licensee Agent will need a brief period of time to talk to the team members involved. We will come back to you within ten working days with a response to your complaint. That response may be in writing. As part of that response, we might ask you to meet with members of our team to discuss the complaint and try to agree on a resolution.
Step 3: If we are unable to come to an agreed resolution after a meeting, or if you do not wish to meet with us, then we will provide you with a written proposal to resolve your complaint.
Step 4: If you do not accept our proposal, please try and advise us in writing within five working days. You can, of course, suggest another way of resolving your complaint.
Step 5: If we accept your preferred resolution, we will attempt to implement that resolution as soon as possible. If we decline your preferred resolution, we may invite you to mediate the dispute.
Step 6: If we agree to mediate the complaint but do not settle the complaint at mediation, or we do not agree to mediate the dispute, then that will be the end of our process.
NOTE: You do not have to use our complaints and resolution procedure. You may make a complaint directly to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time.
Passing Over of Information
Statement Relating to Passing Over Information
The attached material has been compiled by the collection of records, documents, or information which may have been supplied by third parties, the vendor or the vendor’s agent. Accordingly it is merely passing over the information as supplied to us.
No responsibility for the accuracy of the materials whole or in any part is made by Independent Agent Ltd or any of the company’s licensees, employees or officers. This material is provided to assist you with obtaining relevant information about the property, it is not intended that you rely solely on this information and you should conduct your own investigation. This could be legal, technical or any other advice relating to the property or information on the property.
Obtaining Advice
Independent Agent and its licensees recommend you seek legal advice before signing a sale and purchase agreement or other contractual documents. You should also be aware you can and may need to seek technical or other advice and information prior to signing a sale and purchase agreement or other contractual document.